How to Plan and Implement New Internal SaaS Tools for Your Company

Implementing custom internal SaaS tools can significantly improve the efficiency of your company. However, careful planning is essential to ensure that the automation aligns with your business objectives. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process.

Identify Departments That Would Benefit from Automation

Before introducing any SaaS tools, it’s important to pinpoint which department would gain the most from automation.

Start by defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure the department’s effectiveness. KPIs could include metrics such as time spent on repetitive tasks, error rates, or customer satisfaction levels. By quantifying these aspects, you can identify where automation could drive significant improvements.

To make informed decisions, you’ll need accurate data on these KPIs. Data collection tools such as time-tracking software (e.g., Toggl), project management tools (e.g., Asana, Trello), and customer feedback platforms (e.g., SurveyMonkey) can help you gather enough data to perform a thorough analysis.

Once you’ve gathered the data, identify the area of the department that needs immediate attention. Consider whether automating this area could benefit not only the specific department but also have a broader impact on the company. For instance, automating customer service response times may streamline processes across multiple departments, improving overall business efficiency.

Define Inputs and Outputs

After identifying the target area for automation, the next step is to understand the inputs and outputs of the current process.

Refine the current effectiveness metrics of the identified problem area. Quantify aspects such as time spent, material costs, and the number of errors or manual interventions required. This data will serve as a baseline for measuring future improvements.

Next, calculate how much of a shift in effectiveness would create a noticeable improvement for the company. For instance, if reducing response times by 20% would significantly increase customer satisfaction or reduce overhead costs, it justifies the investment in automation.

Create a process flow diagram that illustrates the current workflow. Map out the inputs, outputs, and the time and materials consumed at each stage. This diagram helps you visualize inefficiencies and highlights opportunities for automation.

Once you have a clear understanding of the process, research for a suitable software development partner. A good software house can help you design and implement the automation solution. Here’s a useful guide on how to choose a software development company that fits your needs.

Make an Informed Decision

Now that you’ve identified the automation area and have a process mapped out, it’s time to make a cost-benefit analysis.

When you get a valuation for developing the custom SaaS software, compare it with the current costs associated with maintaining the status quo. For example, if manual processes are costing the company in terms of wasted time, human error, or slow response rates, calculate the potential savings that automation could bring.

Define a timeline for when the investment in custom software will begin to pay for itself. Consider both the development cost and ongoing operational savings. This will help you calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) and assess the financial feasibility of moving forward with automation.

Finally, make a decision on whether it’s worth implementing the custom software solution. Consider both the short-term costs and the long-term benefits of automating the process. If the financial and operational benefits justify the cost, it’s time to proceed with the implementation.

Review the Outcomes

Once the custom SaaS tool has been implemented, the final step is to review the results and compare them to your initial projections.

Compare the KPIs you recorded before introducing automation to those after the tool has been in place for some time. Have there been improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, or error minimization? If the KPIs show significant improvement, it indicates that the SaaS tool is delivering the expected benefits.

Based on the results, decide if the company should continue using the software and consider whether any improvements are necessary. Automation tools often need tweaks and updates to align with evolving business needs. If the software has proven successful, you can explore scaling it across other departments or improving its functionalities to drive even more efficiency.

By following these steps, you can ensure a well-thought-out approach to implementing custom internal SaaS tools. Careful analysis, planning, and review will maximize the benefits of automation and help your company achieve long-term operational improvements.

Jay Bats

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