Leveraging Social Media To Sell Your House In 2024: Important Things To Know

In 2024, leveraging social media to sell your house has become more critical than ever, as digital platforms now play a pivotal role in real estate marketing.

Approximately 51% of real estate professionals are actively using social media for lead generation, and this trend is only expected to grow as more homebuyers turn to these platforms for their property searches. In fact, 99% of Millennials and 90% of Baby Boomers begin their home search online, with social media being a key component of this digital journey.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are leading the charge, with Instagram boasting over 2 billion active monthly users and one of the highest engagement rates among social networks. Utilizing high-quality visual content, such as professional photos and virtual tours, is paramount for capturing the attention of potential buyers on these platforms.

How To Sell Your Home Via Social Media

Selling your home through social media in 2024 is not just about posting a few pictures online; it’s about strategically utilizing the platforms to attract and engage potential buyers.

With the right approach, you can turn social media into a powerful tool that maximizes your property's visibility and increases the chances of a successful sale.

This section will guide you through the key steps, from staging your home to using advanced marketing techniques, ensuring that you present your home in the best possible light.

Staging Your Home For Social Media

Staging your home is a vital step when selling through social media because first impressions are everything.

On platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where visual content reigns supreme, the way your home looks online can significantly impact buyer interest.

Declutter And Depersonalize: Start by removing personal items such as family photos and excessive decor. The goal is to create a neutral space where potential buyers can imagine themselves living. A clutter-free environment makes rooms appear larger and more inviting, which is necessary for appealing social media posts.

Professional Photography: Invest in high-quality photography. Homes with professional images are far more likely to attract attention on social media. Make sure to highlight your home’s best features, such as a spacious kitchen or a cozy living area. Consider using natural light and shooting during the day to make your space look bright and welcoming.

Virtual Staging: If your home is empty, virtual staging can be a game-changer. This involves digitally furnishing your home to showcase its potential. Virtual staging is cost-effective and allows you to present multiple design options to appeal to different buyer tastes.

Leveraging Video Content

Beyond photos, video content has become a dominant force in social media marketing. Buyers are increasingly engaging with dynamic content that allows them to experience a property as if they were there in person.

360-Degree Virtual Tours: Offering a 360-degree virtual tour gives potential buyers a view of your home from the comfort of their screens. This immersive experience is especially valuable for out-of-town buyers or those who prefer to explore properties at their own pace. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook support these types of tours, making it easy to share them widely.

Short-Form Videos: Platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok are ideal for creating short, engaging video clips of your home. Focus on key features or unique selling points of your property. For example, a video showcasing a beautiful backyard or a newly renovated kitchen can capture attention quickly. These platforms' algorithms favor engaging content, so a well-crafted video can significantly increase your reach.

Live Virtual Tours: Hosting live tours on platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram Live allows you to interact with potential buyers in real-time. You can answer questions, provide additional details about the home, and even schedule private viewings directly through the chat. Live tours also create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, which can motivate buyers to act quickly.

Utilizing Social Media Advertising

While organic posts are valuable, investing in social media advertising can amplify your reach, targeting potential buyers who might not see your posts otherwise.

Targeted Ads: Social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting options, allowing you to reach specific demographics such as age, location, and even buying intent. For instance, you can target ads to users who have recently searched for home buying tips or those who live in areas with high housing demand.

Retargeting Campaigns: Retargeting is an effective way to keep your property in front of potential buyers who have previously interacted with your listing or website. By showing ads to these users, you remind them of your property and encourage them to take the next step, whether it’s scheduling a viewing or making an offer.

Analytics And Adjustment: Use the analytics tools provided by platforms like Facebook Ads Manager to track the performance of your ads. Monitor metrics such as click-through rates, engagement, and conversions to see what’s working and what’s not. Adjust your strategy based on these insights to optimize your ad spend and ensure you’re reaching the right audience.

Best Time To Post Your Home On Social Media

Timing is everything when it comes to social media marketing, especially in the competitive world of real estate.

Posting at the right time can significantly boost the visibility of your home, attracting more potential buyers and increasing engagement. In 2024, the optimal posting times vary depending on the platform you use, but there are some general trends you can follow to maximize your reach.

Facebook And Instagram: Early Mornings and Midweek For platforms like Facebook and Instagram, the best times to post are generally in the early morning and midweek. Specifically, posting on Wednesdays around 9:00 AM tends to generate the most engagement. Monday and Friday mornings are also strong contenders, with posts around 8:00 to 10:00 AM seeing high levels of interaction. The logic here is that users are more likely to engage with content as they start their day or during a midweek break when they are looking for a distraction from work​.

Tiktok And Twitter: Afternoons and Evenings If you’re leveraging TikTok or Twitter, afternoons and evenings are your best bet. TikTok posts see the most engagement between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM on weekdays, particularly from Tuesday to Thursday. Twitter, on the other hand, peaks earlier in the day, with the best times being around 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Wednesdays and Fridays. These platforms benefit from users who check in during breaks or after work when they have more time to engage with content.

Linkedin And Pinterest: Midday to Late Afternoon For LinkedIn, which is more professionally oriented, the best times to post are during business hours, particularly around 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM from Tuesday to Thursday. Pinterest also follows a similar pattern, with peak times occurring in the late afternoon to early evening, particularly on Fridays around 4:00 PM. These platforms attract users who are either taking a midday break or winding down their workday, making it an ideal time to showcase your property.


To effectively sell your home via social media in 2024, it's necessary to stay updated on the latest trends and tools. Leveraging automation tools to schedule posts at optimal times can save you effort while maximizing engagement.

Incorporating AI-driven analytics can help refine your strategy, ensuring your content reaches the right audience at the right time. By staying adaptive and innovative, you can make your home stand out in a crowded market.

Jay Bats

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