Using Video Content In Law Firm Marketing Strategies

Every law firm, no matter their size or their specialty, needs a strong lawyer marketing guide to stay ahead of the competition. Many companies will lean on advertising to reach prospective clients in need or find a way to improve the rankings of their websites. An effective social media strategy goes a long way, too. One aspect of social media law firms often overlook is video content. So, how can video content make a difference? Should you jump into short-form TikTok trends or focus on more professional long-form YouTube content?

How Can Video Content Help Law Firms?

As a law firm with a reasonable amount of success and a good local reputation, you might wonder why you should bother with video content. Website optimization is an essential starting point in the best lawyer marketing guide. But, you can't really use on-site tools and written content alone. Customers and social media users love video content. It holds their attention for longer and makes them more likely to engage with the creator. It's why we see video content everywhere now, with the same clips posted to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. A video can help put a friendly face to the name of the law firm and help you reach out to people in need. You can express greater empathy and knowledge here than on a dry, informative website page. You can inform people and show them legal help is just a click away.

Long Form vs Short Form Content

You can create videos about anything you want on social media as long as they showcase your firm and its services in a positive light. It's all about getting future clients to click on links and make it over to your website. The type of content that gets them there is entirely up to you. It could be informative videos, short comedy pieces, motivational posts, or a combination of different styles. A more important question is whether you want to focus on long-form or short-form content. This can determine what you post, how often you get to upload content, and the platforms you end up using.

Long-form content makes a lot of sense for a law firm. These videos could be anything from a 5-minute explanation of a specific state law or a longer piece going into detail about tips for dealing with specific situations. It gives you the time to be informative and come across as an authority on the subject. The hard part comes in getting people to stick around for the whole video. Still, that comes with practice, development of your on-screen talent, and improvements in graphics and editing. The alternative is to go for short-form content. This style has become increasingly popular in recent years, with all kinds of brands and content creators using short videos to get ahead. These videos are much different in style and production value. They are typically vertical, with the feel of something recorded on a phone rather than a professional camera. This is great for mobile optimization, as browsers scroll through content on their phones. It also gives the clips a different vibe and a more personal feel. This could be great for building connections with a client base and coming across as more personable as a law firm.

Also, remember that you don't have to choose between one or the other. You can make one form your main focus, and the long-form content is going to be more effective for conversions, but the addition of short-form content just increases visibility. Follow a strong lawyer marketing guide and find your path.

Which Video Content Platforms Should Lawyers Use?

Now you have a better idea of the type of content to post and why it's so useful, you need to set yourself up on the right platform. The obvious choice for quality content and engagements is YouTube. This platform can feel intimidating because of the large number of professional YouTubers with their highly successful channels. They are proof that with the right combination of quality content, engaging personalities, and a strong community, anyone can become a star. However, with just under 2.5 billion monthly users browsing for content, there's plenty of room for new creators. Your videos might not get millions of views, but they could still reach the right people. That's because YouTube isn't just the second-most trafficked website in the world but also a widely used search engine. Rather than use search engines for video content, users put their search terms directly into YouTube. So, if they want a detailed video about getting help with personal injuries, family law, or criminal defense, wouldn't it be great if your video came up first?

The other benefit of YouTube is the company's shift in focus to short-form content. They saw which way the tide was turning in regards to engagement and made it easier for users to add shorter clips to their profile. These act as great teasers and highlights for longer videos. You can take advantage of this to get noticed and maybe go viral. However, if you want to focus more on short-form content, you can stick with Facebook and Instagram videos instead. These engaging clips are a great way to showcase quick scenarios, ads, and words of wisdom for your growing list of followers. TikTok is, of course, the leading platform for short-form content, but the demographic and tone might not be what you're going for. You can try to play with current trends and bring in younger clients this way, but you have to be careful with the execution.

Video Marketing Content For Lawyers Can Make A Difference

There is a lot to consider when creating b2b video content, such as a law firm. You aren't going to get it right the first time. That first video will look terrible and embarrassing compared to what you end up making a year from now. Still, you have to start somewhere. Play with ideas, see what gets people watching and clicking through to your website, and stick with it. Before long, you could have a loyal YouTube following coming to you for valuable advice and calling for help when they need you most.

Jay Bats

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