For your fitness blog to grow and thrive, you must be ready to blog consistently. But, between training clients, marketing your fitness business, and attending to other aspects of your fitness business, managing to blog consistently can be a challenge.
However, it’s manageable. And this guide is specifically aimed at you. In this article, we will explore the importance of consistent blogging. We will also give you tips on how to become a consistent fitness blogger.

1. The Importance of Consistent Blogging
If you own a fitness blog, it’s important to be blogging consistently, regardless of how packed or busy your schedule may be. Your fitness blog will only grow if you are blogging consistently. There are no two ways about it. And if you need further convincing, here are a couple of reasons why consistent blogging is key.
1.1 Grow a Loyal Following
Whether you decide to be posting daily, twice or thrice per week, maintaining a consistent posting schedule will help you to grow a loyal following. If you post randomly or you are the type of blogger that goes silent for several months, you will struggle to grow your following. And without a strong online following, you may struggle to attract clients for your fitness business.
On the other hand, if you have a strong and loyal following, you will find it easier to sell your products or services. Simply put, consistent blogging is vital. So, as much as you may have other things to attend to, you can’t afford to neglect your fitness blog. Not if you intend for your efforts to pay off for you, anyway.
1.2 Leverage Longtail Keywords
Statistics show that approximately 70% of all online searches feature long-tail keywords. In short, the popular search terms that most bloggers tend to focus on only consist of around 30% of online searches.
And the more fitness blog posts that you write, the more the opportunities you have of including long-tail keywords. Considering that long-tail keywords tend to be more specific, they usually have a higher conversion value, compared to popular search terms. They will allow your fitness blog to be found by new, high-quality and motivated potential clients. People who use long-tail keywords already know what they want. So, if they land on your fitness blog, there’s a high chance of converting them into a client, as opposed to those that will find your blog using popular search phrases.
1.3 Grow Your Authority
If you create a list of the most popular fitness blogs out there, you will notice they have one thing in common – they have been consistently creating and posting high-quality content. Simply put, growing your authority will not happen overnight. You need to be putting out quality content day in and day out. And this will only happen through consistent blogging.
1.4 Better Search Engine Rankings
If you are consistently putting out fresh, quality content, your readers will be spending more time on your site. And this translates to a low bounce rate as well as a longer average visit time.
And, these two key metrics may help you to improve your fitness blog’s search engine rankings. So, besides giving you more opportunities to include long-tail keywords, consistently putting out high-quality fresh content can also help to boost your blog’s search engine rankings.
As you may expect, the higher the ranking of your fitness blog, the more likely your target client will see you and click through to your fitness blog. And this creates more opportunities for conversions.
Furthermore, ranking high on search engines may make your fitness business appear more credible and reputable. And, brand trust and credibility are vital to your bottom line.
2. Tips to Become a Consistent Blogger
Without a doubt, blogging consistently comes with numerous benefits. It will help your fitness blog to grow, which will eventually lead to more clients. However, blogging consistently can prove to be a challenge for someone with a busy schedule like you. But as we mentioned earlier, it’s manageable.
And, you don’t even have to sacrifice sleeping or attending to your personal life. If you have been struggling to blog consistently, the following tips can help to put you back on track.
2.1 Have an Editorial Calendar
One of the reasons why most fitness bloggers find it a challenge to blog daily is the lack of blog post ideas. If you don’t have an idea of what to post, it’s highly likely that you will end up procrastinating. With time, this will become a habit. And eventually, you may find yourself going for months without putting out a single blog post.
And, an editorial calendar can help to solve this issue. Also known as a publishing schedule, an editorial calendar will feature a list of blog post ideas, which you intend to post on your blog, on a specific day or date. So, when it’s time to post, you simply need to pick the title from the calendar and begin writing.
With an editorial calendar, you will always have the title of the blog post that you want to write. And, when you already know what you want to write about, you are halfway there. From there, you will simply commence the writing process as opposed to staring at a blank screen for hours on end.
So, if you don’t have an editorial calendar, you need to create one right away. It should feature all your blog post ideas for the next six months or so. You can use a Google spreadsheet, Excel spreadsheet, or online templates to create one.
2.2 Minimize Distractions
Creating a high-quality blog post requires maximum focus. On average, it will take you approximately three hours so of distraction-free time, to come up with a 2,000-word article.
So, if you are distracted, there’s a high chance you may end up abandoning the article or putting it off to another day. Again, you will find yourself putting out lesser and lesser blog posts, making it hard to grow your fitness blog.
To solve this challenge, you need to keep distractions to a minimum when you are creating your blog posts. Ideally, you should find a room where you won’t be distracted by anyone until you’ve completed the article.
You should also minimize distractions from your end. For instance, you should close all unnecessary tabs on your browser, disable social media notifications, keep your phone away and avoid checking emails.
By minimizing distractions, you will focus on the issue at hand, which is creating fitness blog posts. And as a result, you will avoid being a serial procrastinator and your blogging schedule will be more consistent.
2.3 Use Different Content Formats
Regardless of how prolific you may be as a writer, burnout will catch up with you at some point. And when it does, you may feel too tired or bored to put together a blog post. But, this doesn’t mean you should procrastinate.
Instead, you can simply try out other content formats. As a fitness blogger, you don’t always have to stick to conventional blog posts or articles to share your expertise with your audience. You can switch things around, especially when you are too tired to write.
Some of the other formats that you can try out include videos, infographics, Powerpoint presentations, or Slideshare presentations. And, there are hundreds of presentation software programs and other simple-to-use, free tools out there, that you can use to create these other types of content.
Switching things around using different content formats is not only refreshing but it will help to avoid procrastination. So, if you happen to encounter burnout along the way, this strategy can help to keep things flowing.
2.4 Have a Dedicated Blogging Time
If you want to be blogging consistently, you should have dedicated blogging time. For instance, you can be dedicating an hour every day, between 7 am to 8 am specifically for blogging.
So, every day between 7 am and 8 am, you will be sitting at your workstation at home, creating blog posts. During this time, you won’t allow any other task or activity to take away your attention from creating your blog posts. This strategy is known as time blocking.
Time-blocking is an extremely powerful strategy, which will ensure that what you need to do, will get done. Other tasks and activities will simply have to give way to blogging, as opposed to the other way around.
2.5 Hold Yourself Accountable to Blog Consistently
Creating and posting frequently and consistently will require accountability and commitment on your part. In short, you can’t be consistent if you lack accountability and commitment.
And this begs the question, how can hold yourself accountable to blog frequently and consistently? Well, there’s a simple solution to this. And this is by making a public commitment.
With this technique, you will create a blog post or a post on your social media channels, telling your audience about your blogging plans and making sure you don’t renege on this promise.
For instance, you can tell your audience that you intend to be publishing a blog post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And by doing so, you will be holding yourself accountable and your commitment will increase. Consequently, the chances of failing to post will reduce.
3. Wrapping It Up
Implementing the above tips will help you to be more consistent in your blogging. And by blogging consistently, you will manage to build a loyal following, enhance your brand’s credibility, increase your online visibility, rank higher on search engines, and attract more clients.