Have Trouble Coming Up With Ideas For Posts? These 10 Ideas Will Help You!

There are times when, no matter how much you try, you can’t think of anything interesting to post on social media. However, you know that it is necessary to keep your followers engaged and to come up with new posts as often as possible. Luckily for you, we have some ideas that will work like a charm, no matter what kind of business you have.

Laptop on a desk, camera besides it.

Engagement will come from consistently posting great content to social media. These 10 topics will help you to move forward when you are brainstorming your next piece of content.

1. Holidays

There are so many interesting holidays around, that it is difficult not to find something interesting to write about them. If you don’t want to write about the mainstream ones, you can find interesting holidays from around the World and present them to your audience. I bet they will be interested!

2. Events

Is there some interesting, grand event coming up somewhere in the world? Then let your audience know about it! You can easily find out what is the coolest event in your area, city, state or country, and then you piggyback on its popularity and promote it. In doing so, you're also getting some interesting content on your social media account.

3. Promotions

Everyone loves promotions, therefore writing about them is always a big success. Look for some great deals online, then put together a fun post where you tell your followers everything about them. Lists and compilations always tend to do well. Heck, you're enjoying a list, right now!

4. Sale

Here you don’t have to limit yourself on writing about sales for your own business. If you can find a niche that doesn't compete with your own, you can compile a list of all the best deals, and which online stores will have them, to help your audience out.


Sharing relatable quotes is a great way to get your followers to engage with your posts and put comments on them, especially if you have a young audience. Also, it does not require a lot of effort. If you find some interesting quotes, you can gain plenty of new followers way more quickly than you previously thought possible.

6. Did you know?

There are so many interesting, fun facts out there, that you can easily pick a few and compile them into a post. The more interesting and incredible the facts that you find, the more your audience is going to love (read: share) your post. So dig as deep as you can when diving into a fact bucket!

7. Tips and tricks

You can write about nifty tips and tricks on almost anything and everything! You can write about cooking, cleaning, getting a new car, booking a vacation, getting a job interview or giving your pet a bath. Be creative and keep the tone light and breezy!

8. Vacations

Everyone loves a good vacation, so why not give your followers an idea on where to go next? Choose a place that is exotic and interesting, but accessible at the same time. You're bound to inspire a person or two.

9. Wellness tips

There are some things that we all know make sense, but for some reason… we only rarely apply: drink enough water, exercise, sleep well. When you are out of ideas, you might as well remind your followers how important it is to take care of themselves.

10. Pets

Everyone loves pets, and you can easily find information on how to take care of one, if you don’t already know. It is fairly easy to put together such a social media post, and you are pretty much guaranteed that many people will be interested in this topic. Think about it… how many people do you know, that own pets? It's likely to be quite a few.

11. Conclusion

The list above is by no means exhaustive. You can make your own list to draw inspiration from, as well. Think about all the different kinds of content you can show your followers to keep them engaged to your business and brand. And make sure to complete your social media posts with high quality designs from ContentBASE!

Jay Bats

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